Website Development



Website Development refers to activities related to website functionalities development. The Web Developer plays a significant role by ensuring that when users interact with the website it reacts in a certain way. Cyberplex Africa has the best website development – redesigning team in Zimbabwe. Our team (Cyberplex Africa) is most transparent and keeps customers constantly at ease. For a free quote go through the attached website brief and send to the email address as this will also help us understand and know how you want your website to look like and come up with a quote for you.

How Website Development and Website Designing are Different.

When developing a Website there are specific project roles that have different responsibilities that are quite prominent. These include the Web designer who is responsible for the appearance and usability of the website. They usually work with Adobe Photoshop or Adobe illustrator for design purposes and the more advanced designers can build web prototypes using coding skills.

Website Designing is more graphic design. It means working mostly with Photoshops and making the look and feel of the website then hand to the developer. The Developer will then take the look and feel then make the actual webpage.

The Front-end Developer, the glue that holds the web designer and back-end developers together. They deal with client-side programming and applying designs they receive from designers. Their main tools are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The Back-end Developer  works behind the scenes. They develop server-side logic, managing database connection, design APIs, handle security and authorization. They usually use Java, Ruby, Python and also deal with Databases.

Although every website is developed a little differently, there are fundamental components that conduct every interaction between a user and the site which are;

  1. a)      Client-Side coding (front-end)

This is the local computer, device and browser that users interact with to access the website. The big challenge on this case is to make sure that the website functions exactly the same way on all browsers.

  1. b)      Server-Side coding (back-end)

It is the remote computer that is run on the other side. It is responsible for site code generation and database handling.

  1. c)      Database

Basically, Database is a collection of information that has been stored so that it can be retrieved, managed and even updated from time to time. This is the information that is generated or used within the web like all the account information of a logged in user is being stored in the data.



Similar to how different books will cover different topics, there are many different types of websites on the internet. As technology changes, new types of websites are created making it hard to anticipate what the future of World Wide Web looks like.

Below are some of the more common types of websites as of 2018 and to request for a quote for any of each, click on the type of website your business requires or request a quotation from


  • Brochure WebsiteThese are exactly as they sound, they are basically websites that provide information that is already there in the company brochure. Most businesses use these kind of websites to prove the legitimacy of their business and want people to know of their existence as well.


  • Content Websitethese provide more information, that includes frequently asked questions and products information in terms of how to use the product and services. It is also the goal to provide more information to the customers and such sites need to updated on regular basis, this also depends on the nature of the business.


  • Interactive Website Interactive websites mostly focus on getting return traffic or more traffic. They provide information that people want and get back to interact with. Some interactions may actually be to purchase online or requesting a quotation or proposal.





For website redesign, there are a couple of considerations to be taken into like how long it has been since the current website has been upgraded or given a makeover. Two to three years are recommended though not a complete rebounding but maybe a little bit of some freshening up like lighting the site a little and changing the appearance.

It is also important to consider whether a website development – redesigning expert is needed or the business can do it from internally. Look into top menu links, these are meant to take users to the main pages as quickly as possible.


If you require any Website Revamp or your website safeguarded from  hackers, please feel free to send an email to and we will contact you to discuss further.


10 Signs a Website needs a Redesign.

  1. Website can not be viewed on a Mobile Phone and Tablet – Study says a third of people will search for your business from a mobile phone making it a huge disadvantage for the business if the current website is not mobile friendly.
  2. Current Website is slow and outdated (Takes long to Open) –  slow, long loading rates frustrates and annoy website visitors. This causes the business to lose many potential clients as they would quickly leave the site and visit your competitor’s.
  3. Has No or poor Conversions – When the business does not get conversions from its website and visitors neither subscribe nor buy online.
  4. Navigation does not help visitors Navigate Find an easy way to get visitors on your website to the pages they want on your website. If the menu goes down and over, down and over, down and over then it is difficult and too much for visitors to scroll over. With one click on the Homepage link the visitor should always land on a page they are looking for.
  5. Current Website is Hard to Update – Websites that had been designed years ago using old outdated web designing tools are very hard to update. Get a new website, designed from top trending designing tools from Cyberplex Africa.
  6. Copyright not Updated – Get that pHp code that can be put on a WordPress or any other pHp site that automatically updates the date in your copyright every year.
  7. Messy Code – When a code is messy it is almost always simpler to start over by creating a new template and move the content and not the code.
  8. Business has Evolved (Brand, Products or Services have changed) – The website should reflect all business changes.
  9. Bad Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – To get noticed nowadays companies, people and organizations are using Search Engine Optimization to rank on google search and websites that rank low have poor conversions. Open link to learn more on SEO ranking…
  10. Website is not Secure – Websites that run on Content Management Systems and e-commerce that sends or receive payment are vulnerable to attacks.

Read more on website development – redesigning without destroying the SEO on the link below….

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